
Media and Communication Science

Technische Univer­sität Ilmenau


Master of Arts (M. A.)
4 Semester
zulassungsfrei, ohne NC (ggf. mit Anmelde- oder Auswahlverfahren)
Vollzeitstudium; Internationaler Studiengang; weiterführendes Studium
nur Wintersemester

Weitere Angaben

Studienfelder: Kommunikationswissenschaft; Medienkultur; Medienwissenschaft

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Informationen zu diesem Studienangebot

Studiengebühr: Informationen zur Studiengebühr
Es gibt an der TU Ilmenau keine Studiengebühren, nur einen Semesterbeitrag. Dieser beträgt für neue Studierende ca. 150 Euro (plus einmalig 20 Euro für den Studierendenausweis bei Immatrikulation).


Fragen zu diesem Fach:
PD Dr. phil. habil. Christina Schumann
Telefon: 493677694678


Dominique Wollniok

studiert Media and Communication Science an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau

I study Media and Communication Science. Communication, I think, is about to listen and understand and then communicate.

#Studienfach On one hand it's crisis communication like PR and everything related to and on the other hand it's like data science where you can make some statistics. Than you cross this information with the trends in communication.

#Hochschule Here it's very flexible because you can select some research models and then you also select some specializations and then you see which profile you want at the end and then you have your own way.

#Studienort You have the Thuringian Forest around you all the time. At least in Ilmenau you can go for a Hiking. When you need to go to think more of about your life or to take a rest. It's super nice.

#sonstso In general we have a lot of clubs which are open the whole week and also different teams like associations. And so you never get bored at the campus.

After arriving in Germany, I met someone from we4you and this person took care of me and then I started to be proactive in different associations and that's why I got connected to many people.

Karla studiert Media and Communication Science an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau

Karla studiert Media and Communication Science an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau

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