studiert Religious Studies an der Universität Erfurt
One of the things that touched me in Germany is religious freedom. The people respect others religions and they are not even breaking the privacy. Everyone respect each other and others practices.
#Studienfach Religious studies is an academic discipline or the study of religion. It allows you to explore the religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. A religion major could apply to be an intern in the UN, or he can choose either to continue in academia.
#Hochschule One important thing, if you feel stressed or if you feel alone in the winter, especially in winter, you don't have to worry about because University of Erfurt, the international office in the University of Erfurt, also the psychology department runs in a while a source of seminars and talks that helps the students make a stress-free life in university.
#Studienort Erfurt is a peaceful and familiar city. One of the major attractions are the churches, synagogues and the cathedral. And other main attraction is the Krämerbrücke, where a lot of buildings are, people live there and a lot of shops are there.
#sonstso My passion was studying religion in a German university because my passion was to be a German professor. And also when I found out the sources of my research was almost found here in the central Germany, Gotha, Berlin, also in other libraries.
We used to celebrate here within the community in Jena and also in Erfurt, the religious festivals like Holi, Onam, and also Diwali. We used to celebrate here because when we are almost celebrated, the people are eager to know about it.
Shahin studiert Religious Studies an der Universität Erfurt
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